Our logo is your symbol for excellence in interior design and remodeling in Reading and Berks County, Pennsylvania.

Why Hire a Certified Kitchen & Bath Designer (CKBD)?

  • Expertise and Efficiency: Certified designers bring specialized knowledge, saving time and money by avoiding common pitfalls and proposing cost-effective solutions.

  • Vision Realization: They translate your ideas into functional designs, offering options you may not have considered to maximize space and resources.

  • Compliance and Quality: Designers are tested for their competence and knowledge to not only ensure your project meets NKBA recommended guidelines, but also building standards & codes.

  • Value Investment: Kitchen renovations are significant investments, and mistakes can be costly. Working with a certified designer can help avoid these errors, saving you time, money, and ensuring a successful project outcome.

Overall, certified designers streamline the design process, enhance outcomes, and ensure projects are both satisfying and cost-effective.

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